• Gun Maker's Match V
     May 10, 2025
     9:00 am - 3:00 pm Participants can only compete in 2 categories regardless of division.

Guns For Everyone National is excited to announce the 5th Gun Maker’s Match. This event has become an institution in the private gun making community.

A place where people who Kit build and 3D print their firearms can show off their creations and compete with them.

Please Read Match Rules

Details Price Qty
Kit Division - Pistol Categoryshow details + $75.00 USD  
Kit Division - PCC Categoryshow details + $75.00 USD  
Kit Division - Rifle Categoryshow details + $75.00 USD  
Printed Division - Pistol Categoryshow details + $75.00 USD  
Printed Division - PCC Categoryshow details + $75.00 USD  
Printed Division - Rifle Categoryshow details + $75.00 USD  
22 LR Side Match (One Main Division Required)show details + $25.00 USD  
Add-on Categoryshow details + $50.00 USD  


505 Mosside Blvd, North Versailles, Pennsylvania, 15137, United States