Instructor Verification
Verify GFEN Certified Instructors. Instructors listed in our database have current and valid certifications. What do the categories mean? Lead instructors are capable of leading Intructor Development Courses and are the highest ranked. Senior instructors help teach ID courses and are the second highest ranked. Intuitive Defensive Shooting (IDS) Certified instructors have been through our extensive ID course and have passed the required tests to become certified. IDS certification is our “entry-level” certification. DSF is equal to IDS just under the USCCA brand. Add-on certifications are just that, certifications an instructor pursued on top of the basic IDS certification.
Become a GFEN Certified Instructor
Our Instructor Development Course is for those who are serious about providing self-defense training that is science and evidence based. The Guns For Everyone National may be the place for you.