2A News

Illegal Gun, Legal Self Defense

We get this question in our Free Concealed Carry classes on a pretty regular basis, and it's worth discussing. What happens if you end up in a self defense shooting but you were carrying the gun illegally? Before you jump to conclusions on 'illegally carrying', the...

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Gun Control Is A Way of Life

Gun Control Is A Way of Life

Guns are dangerous. This is how I start my discussion of firearm safety in our Free Concealed Carry Classes. It seems like an obvious statement, and it should be. It's the reason I carry the gun in the first place, this dangerous item has the capacity to cause death...

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Stopping A Mass Shooter – Observations from Greenville

Stopping A Mass Shooter – Observations from Greenville

Last week, a 22 year old man stopped a well armed mass shooter in a shopping mall in Greenville, Indiana. The evil bastard who decided to perpetrate this act of violence went into a bathroom near the food court, armed himself with an AR-15, walked out of the bathroom...

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How Much Training is ”Enough”?

What is ‘enough’ training? When we see students come through our classes, we know from experience that most of them will not continue to train with their guns and self defense skills.  It’s an unfortunate reality and it tends to be for very important reasons:...

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Lessons From The Classroom – The 911 Tapes

Guns For Everyone has had nearly 100,000 students come through our Free Concealed Carry classes in the last 10 years.  We have heard every kind of story, heard every kind of question, and seen every walk of life.   When we discuss the 911 call in our class,...

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The Reality Of The Mass Shooter Phenomenon

Why does this keep happening? Tuesday afternoon I was stopping in to a gun store to see a fellow instructor.  As soon as I walked in the door he told me, “Another mass shooting. Elementary school, so far 14 kids.”  I was instantly speechless.  Unfortunately we are...

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Armed Bad Guy Gets Disarmed In Wild Gas Station Robbery

Armed Bad Guy Gets Disarmed In Wild Gas Station Robbery

Last week, we sent an email discussing common legal myths in the self defense world. This week we’re focused on a video of a crazy fight at a gas station in robbery. The following is video of a fight that took place at a gas station and this video does a fantastic job...

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Wild Robbery and Shooting Teaches Us Lessons

Wild Robbery and Shooting Teaches Us Lessons

Last week, we sent an email discussing how and why you should get involved in the local gun rights fight. This week we're going to look at video of a wild shootout that happened in a retail store in California this week. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZ9n7cEYPjg...

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Guns For Everyone National

Main: 303-219-0604

WhatsApp: (720) 663-7151


8120 Sheridan Blvd,
Arvada, CO 80003