2A News
This Is Why I Have A Plan
The last blog post was an article reviewing a carjacking caught on video. This week we are going to talk about Plans and why they are so vital. A plan is a precarious thing. Anyone with enough experience in high risk situations, whether that risk is physical,...
Good Guy Versus Carjackers – Good Ideas Followed By a Mistake?
Last week, we sent an email discussing a crazy self defense shooting. This week we are going to watch a man with extraordinary composure in the face of an armed threat successfully evade an attack, and then make a huge mistake. The following video is from Milwaukee...
Road Rage Is A Recipe For Disaster
This video has been around for a little while and you may have already seen it. It involves a man firing his gun in self defense from the front seat of his car while driving in Florida, and it provides us with many important lessons about self defense and road rage....
The Natural Responsibility of Self Defense
Last week, we wrote about understanding anatomy and how that applies to a self defense shooting. This week we're going to discuss how your right to self defense comes with a huge responsibility. We love talking about Rights. I have a right to speak, a right to own a...
Anatomy and Self Defense
Last week, we sent an email defining what Justified means in self defense. This week we're going to talk about why it's so important to understand the human body and how it works when it comes to self defense shooting. Most people took biology in high school. Most of...
The Trap of Normalcy Bias
Last week, we sent an email defining what Justified means in self defense. This week we're going to talk about a psychological phenomenon that could impact whether you are really ready to defend yourself. It's 10pm on a Saturday night. You and your best friend...
When is a shooting “justified”?
Last week, we sent an email discussing a crazy self defense shooting. This week we're going to dive into a discussion about when the use of deadly force is justified. When we look at self defense shootings in the news, a quick review of the comments below the story...
Good Guy Does Almost Everything Right In Robbery, And Luck Was With Him – Lessons in Self Defense
In Self Defense, luck is always an element. But it could be good luck, or bad luck. Luck counts, but luck is not a plan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElSrns_Qg3k In this self defense example, our good guy is minding his own business when the attacker picks him as a...
More Debunked Gun Myths – Ammo Myths
A few months ago we posted an article about some self defense myths. We're going to cover a few more, specifically myths related to ammunition. Since the dawn of web 2.0, the gun world has seen a very important shift away from folklore (or Fuddlore if you prefer) and...
Guns For Everyone National
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Arvada, CO 80003